How to Use OP Auto Clicker On Roblox(PC)

How to Download and Use OP Auto Clicker On Roblox

Roblox is a central hub of the click-intensive game with thousands of games available. Roblox sometimes requires long clicks, which not only causes wear and tear on the mouse but also puts undue pressure on the fingers. Playing for a long time is bad for your health. Auto-clickers can solve this problem and improve game efficiency. That’s why a lot of people use automatic clickers at Roblox.

Therefore, how to use an auto clicker in Roblox? Our article is a tutorial on how to use OP Auto Clicker on Roblox.

The first step    Download Auto Clicker

Download an automatic clicker on your computer according to your needs.

If you don’t know how to choose an automatic clicker, the following article can help you. (download link included)

The best Auto Clickers 2022-top 5 Automatic Mouse Clicker(Free and Safe)

The second step   Install and Configure (Take OP Auto Clicker as an example)


1.Click download

OP Auto Clicker on Roblox

2.Click to install

op auto clicker download


1.Choose where you want to click.

Current location, Auto Clicker automatically clicks the current point on the screen where the mouse is pointing

Pick location, Input fixed click point through X and Y axis

2.Choose how to click

Mouse button, Set it as left-click, right-click, or middle click

Click type, Pick between single clicking, double clicking, or triple clicking

3.Set the click interval

Set the time between two clicks, the smaller value of click interval means faster clicks

4.Set the duration of the auto clicker

Repeat, repeat times

Repeat until stopped, set up when to stop click

5.Click the start button to start

6.Set Hot Key (if necessary)

OP Auto Clicker on Roblox

Set up shortcuts instead of clicking your mouse to start or stop, you can set your own shortcut keys

The third step   Use OP Auto Clicker on Roblox

After the auto-clicker application is configured, players can normally open the game and start playing games with Auto Clicker.